Saturday, November 11, 2023

Hearing What's Coming....



Thanks to the GRAMMY nominations for inspiration: 

"I once was the size of your beating heart

Resting over it and feeling it loud

But now I'm no more than a pea, squirreled deep inside your ear

Wanting to help you, but you're still too proud



"So many bucks and so many smarts

To get me close to you

I'm left, still, up on the shelf


(And you're gone)

You're out the door, I have a muddled view


"It's me, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I'm your hearing aid

I guess you've gotten bupkis from me, with the cash you've paid

A short time at your ear, and you'd have clarity today


But I'm a game that you just don't want to play!"




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