Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's a small virtual world after all; or, Deck the Lecture Halls!

(According to the weekly statistics of this blog's host, more views are coming from two areas outside the United States - France and Russia - than from around the great USA. No actionable intelligence here, folks!)

We wish you communication/
So free of tribulation/
No errs of articulation/
And no food in your teeth!//
Will you read any Luria?/
Or practice your Shaker? Ha!/
This time's a break from academia/
Park your endoscope by the wreath!//
Bonne voix à toi/ (Good voice to you)
Wherever you speak/
 n слышать разговоры (and hear conversations)/
For eight days a week!/
(Repeat chorus)

I have been gifted beyond measure by the response to this blog this year. May everyone, everywhere, soak up the au jus of the season in the bread of your choice - and keep communication pretty wonderful!

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