Saturday, May 7, 2016

We Named the Salad

" We're fortunate that our patients wanted to get these plants started in the dead of winter - relatively speaking. It's now May, and our first crop of salad greens is ready for harvest! OK, now: let's review what is going to happen in the group today. Ellen?"
"John is going to harvest enough Swiss chard for our first salad - but, how much is that?"
"Let's see - we're not cooking it but dressing it, so - there are six of us working, patients and trainers, and we'll probably eat 1 tablespoon each (gotta be realistic!) so - 6 tablespoons!" But, can John see it?"
"Sure! I marked the boundary around the chard bed with red colored duct tape; he can't help but zero in on it."

John's treatment plan for 5/7/16: John will cut 6 Swiss chard plants within his line of vision, with no more than moderate verbal and gestural cueing, and with 83% (accurate-delayed) accuracy. 

"OK - good plan; his field of vision is better but this will help him focus on the job. Becky - will Mary Anne have any difficulty pulling the radishes?"
"If I am not there for the entire time she can pick enough enough radishes, then she may go on a tangent and rip out a red light bulb from the night lights!"

Mary Anne's treatment plan for 5/7/16: Mary Anne will pull 6 radishes from the raised bed, with constant verbal, gestural and tactile cues, and with 60% (repeat prompt) accuracy. 

"OK then! I think you know what to do. And I am working with Celeste today; her job is to follow John and Mary Anne, and check that they have completed their jobs before we all head to the kitchen".

Celeste's treatment plan for 5/7/16: Celeste will record the performance of both John and Mary Anne on their garden assignments, and report to both Ellen and Becky on their execution of the plans - with occasional cues, and with 93% accuracy. 

"But, but - that means we have only chard and radishes for the salad?!?!?! BLecccchhhhhh....; BORING".
"We'd better then go for more: I don't cook that often. How about, then....after John gets the chard, he can also cut some arugula. Then Mary Anne can....get some shears and cut some butter lettuce. That should be ready, too - right, Becky?"
"Right! And I will keep an eye on Mary Anne using shears; maybe, tell her she has only 15 cuts allotted from these shears today!"
"I agree. There is a head of iceberg lettuce from the grocery in our refrigerator; we can use it to add the "crunch" that many salad eaters tend to crave. Also, can both of your clients swallow nuts without problems?"
"O Yes!"
"Great. The creamy dressing should help hold everything together in a good bite to swallow.  There's crunch, and there's sweetness. There's pepper in the arugula, and there's pepper and crunch in the radish. Anything left?"
"No, Doris".
"Let's go".

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