Thursday, May 5, 2016

The call came in....

I was working the day watch out of swallowing division, and was about to go out on a call when the desk sergeant caught me: "there's a new case up on 2nd floor; go check it out". Just as I thought, as I moved to the electronic medical record and started to skim the material. Don't ever plan ahead. But the flip side of that is: you are NEVER bored here!

Minutes later, I was interviewing the suspect about the alleged swallowing incident. "Just the facts, ma'am", and so she gave me the facts. Then I talked to the persons taking care of her, asking them for the same facts. They gave me different facts. My partner gave me some facts from a book. Those facts kinda said: maybe A, but it could be B as well. Should I call forensics in on this one?

The evidence had to be procured, and so I started to work the crime scene. "Try a bite of this", then "How about a drink of ______?", followed by "Would you like to try this, or THAT??"; and then finally, "Tell me what you would like next". Always, pacing the presentation of the spoon - so the suspect had to exert active control over the material; always, awaiting her subtle bloop of the hyoid up and forward, so then another bite/sip could be offered. Always, keeping that subtle but vital communication flowing throughout the meal, so that the suspect could eat and drink to the best of her ability.

Case closed. There was to be, at least today, no end of the shift with hearing a sentence pronounced: "mechanical soft, nectar thick- THIRTY YEARS TO LIFE". This is the city. I carry an IOPI.

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