Sunday, December 6, 2020

Favorite speech things: Christmas 2020


Patients, or clients; consumers, what have you - !

Speechies will strive to help you meet your goals, true. 

But at this time of year, we do excel

At getting more function, so you swallow well....


But  - you say - "Don't you help talking and thinking?

Aren't you called first a SPEECH THERAPIST?" - blinking - 

Yes, we do all that stuff all day and night; 

But it's in the swallow, we best make things right. 


When you celebrate at the Holidays

You want to nosh and quaff

And speechies will help you see through to the end

So eating and drinking, are good enough!


Try some desired food; sip a good beverage - 

You'll find out what skills will need careful leverage - 

Protect the airway, while increasing flow, 

You'll feel the wassail the best that you'll know!


When the plum pudding, crispy fresh latkes,

Or Hoppin' John make you smile; - 

Your happily swallowing holiday tastes

Will help close your holiday clinic file.  






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