Monday, January 27, 2020

Lonely Are the Brave Clinicians

"I have so many treatment plans to tweak tonight,

But the impeachment trial - OH MAN! That makes me mad - "


Aspiration precautions

Passy - Muir fitting

Phonological processes

Semantic features

Tracheoesophageal fistula

"It's a good thing I know what all this stuff is -

The day was a fast - forward conveyor belt of session after session;

I was Lucy Ricardo, and the chocolates were flying by!

I know what all this stuff is, and I know what to do....finally. "

Finally, the dinner for one is ready, eaten, washed - back to work.

"Is this the right goal? The best criterion?

When should I think about carryover?

I'm not sure s/he feels comfortable with what I am doing.

Did I make the right choice? All this PAPERWORK!

It isn't going to do itself, though...."

And then, very late at night, when all the other voices have quieted;

The rest of the words flow. 

"The patient completed the X Test of X. Total raw score of X converted to %ile of X, with severity rating of X."

"Patient demonstrated in elicited conversation, sentence formulation skills seen in most persons her/his age".

It's midnight now. Only X more records to go. 

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