Sunday, July 9, 2017

Cherry Cherry

"Cherry pick": to select the best or most desirable from  -
Example: Francois cherry-picked the art collection
{} accessed 7/9/2017

"To get freshest fruit in the summer
You don't have to flail with a stick;
This FRUITERER known just as Richard
Need not be a poor stupid....


Don't cherry pick 
Look all around
You don't get the best flavors from
The first fruit you've found!

Our government has some smart people
They'll solve the huge problems, and quick;
But those governing with wispy factoids
Must just have their brains in their....


Don't cherry pick
Take sage advice 
Press the button on good facts
So you won't need it twice!!

An SLP's clinical judgement
Should be drawn up the evidence wick;
If you don't know the pros and cons prior
You look like a poor - prepared....

Don't cherry pick;
Your literature, scour;
Know why your plan works
Or it'll be a long hour!!!

Don't cherry pick;
It's supposed to be hard - !
Finding the best stuff
Will be the best RE - WARD!"


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