Sunday, May 31, 2015

On the trail of evil

Speech-language pathologists don't solve mysteries. They do not unearth lost treasures from obscure places around the world. When wrongs may be righted, there often is no great financial reward at the end of the quest. But we knew that, going into the professions. We knew that making a financial killing in CSD would require our working multiple jobs and sleeping seldom. And - we need our sleep! Instead of financial riches being our reward for a CSD career, many of us have seen the need to "fight evil".

Poor and ineffective communication* is often the source of poor and ineffective human relationships; by extension, the source of a deficit in the individuals'  quality of life. I will often remind students who choose to train with me, at the beginning of each work day: "fight evil!". When our professions keep quality of life - and its implementation through improved function of communication processes -at the forefront, we fulfill our mission to the persons we serve.

May 2015, known as "Better Hearing and Speech Month", is now over. Each May, what have we and our peers done that will keep us remembered? Since 1927, professionals in communication sciences and disorders have used May to promote what they do, and why treating communication disorders by skilled professionals is important. Here is why.

People communicate everywhere. Most caring and observant persons are able to stimulate human communication in others. Speech-language pathologists know which stimulation methods are most effective.  In a world that is more diverse and more dependent upon the sharing of information  than ever, effective communication skills through the lifespan level the playing field for all persons. In making CSD an integral component of the human service system, society helps prevent human illness by sustaining communication wellness. I cannot say enough to support my colleagues in the professions, as well as those persons who have entrusted their care to me, for all the opportunities given us to fight evil.

*please read: communication and swallowing

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