Sunday, August 13, 2017

Be an SLP!

The types and numbers of persons who join the professions - they are as infinite as the number of points between any two points. And, even though this blog has attempted to point out what's what about being a speech-language pathologist, it's extremely difficult to capture all the relevant skill sets and perspectives that people like me employ. So,we'll have another series of short posts following this one, that give you new, fresh and tasty views of what is means to be an SLP!

Coming from an individual SLP; this is, of course, a personal view. The paths that many of our professions' founders followed, as well as those of some of our colleagues, to nurture and grow the mission of service to our communities....what a long, strange trip it's been.

During my graduate training, an earlier review text for the national credentialling exam (PRAXIS) was Perkins' SPEECH PATHOLOGY: An Applied Interdisciplinary Behavioral Science. Interdisciplinary: that's the rub. People have come to wear the clinical cloak from the whole world. Everyone communicates and swallows, and we'll give some examples of perspectives on the field in succeeding posts. The topics will ask if you would be a CNA; someone well read; a geek; a servant; an entrepreneur; a team player, a conscience; a good citizen; a healer or a scholar. It's such a big world, that brings the next generation of practitioner/researchers to lead our fields.

What do you bring to the worktable? Looking forward to responses from readers of this blog, about what makes a quality SLP.

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