Thursday, July 6, 2017

Oh the places I've been and the things I've seen

Steven Hayes is a psychologist from Reno, Nevada, who has developed a treatment program for psychological disorders called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). There is woefully insufficient space here to properly butterfly ACT, and to allow the reader to sample its flavors; - yet, attractive to this blogger after a review of Hayes and Smith (2005), _Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life_, was their notion of cognitive flexibility as a requisite for psychological health. Ergo, one of the oldest of my heroes is pictured above. Bugs was and is an epitome of not being trapped in your thoughts; of acceptance, and of living your values. Bugs and his moxie have inspired countless pushes to quality in my professional career, when I was not sure which way lead to quality.

This post marks the 100th time that I've been on the road to, as an SLP, fight evil and find quality. Since that road is rarely known but to all who have heeded the call to travel it, let's look at some of the mileposts this blog has encountered.

* celebrate their profession in all its forms (11/20/12)
* reach across the aisle to our closely allied professions to say, "Nice job. Can I use that?" (9/22/13)
* enjoy the gathering of the clan of fellow professionals (12/14/14)
* try to bolster the state of clinical science with new ideas for the good of who needs us (6/29/14)
* see the world of CSD from the perspective of the person served (11/8/14)
* know that sharing who we are is critical to forging a healthy therapeutic alliance (12/19/15)
* love explaining what we do, to dispel rumors of our being a 'best kept secret' (3/29/15)
* relish the growth of new kinds of clinical practice (5/7/16)
* feel peace that these innovations are not solely for us, but for the next generation of clinical scientists to determine DOES IT WORK? (10/26/16)
* experience real-life, human scale stresses and need to care for ourselves (3/19/17)

Where to go next? I hope you'll continue to come along.

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