Sunday, November 13, 2016

is "is", 'IS'??

There is about you a constant level of background chatter as the day starts. When you wake and look about, everyone that is talking seems hard to understand; when you attempt to speak to those gathered about your bed - "Ah, good morning!" - they look curious, then quizzical then - forceful, accusatory then - condescending. "She just doesn't understand". "We'll keep her safe but  - let's move on".

You might think she had suffered  a stroke or some other disruption of consciousness; but, no - it was the aftermath of a political campaign. She saw the world as "A", while her interrogators were "B" folk.

And, like most people who base their quality of life and - their livelihood, on fluid and robust communication, misunderstandings and BREAKDOWNS in communication, like the political morass of the age, impassion her - and me - to give the best advice and guidance for conversational REPAIR. Communication is pretty wonderful, because we realize - in the nick of time - its habitual breakdown poses significant DANGER to the health of our social structures. What to do, as you maneuver the body social and politic in these times?

Speech-language pathologists often help the people we serve measure their meandering for conversation, then develop and implement successful strategies that approach straight lines of sharing information. Some of the clinical strategies can be applied to conversations the general public is having at this historical crossroads. In general, the strategies can include:

* Don't make noise and don't encourage any noise. Though you and your conversation partner may continue to harbor strong emotions about your side, communicate with just enough emotion through the clarity of your arguments, and not via the pH level of your insults.

*Approach the conversation by conveying in words and actions, - I am here to share. I am here to understand. I am not here to fight . Your sharing that message may encourage the partner to adopt the same position. If either you or the partner approaches  the invitation with a high level of emotion, you will have to repeat your conditions (Earthling, I come in peace);

*You and your partner may have to repeat, as often as necessary, those initial setting of conditions before the sharing of ideas can begin. If either of you does not agree to conditions, cut the connection until the ground rules can be set. I don't think we are ready for this discussion, you might say. But once you and the partner are ready to address an issue -

* Trust, but clarify. Stop and think often as positions are shared. Confirm your understanding of what has been said.  Periodically agree that the  initial conditions are in force, then recalibrate them as needed. Do occasional summaries of the discussion and confirm understanding between both parties. The goal therefore, is not to win but to understand. Understanding trumps warfare. Communication feeds more interaction. Interaction growing leads to - what's next.

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