Monday, June 6, 2016

The Rent You Pay

"Service to Others Is the Rent You Pay, for your Room Here on Earth" - Muhammad Ali

I untangle tongues 'cause I like it!
I like the breakdown into parts -
You work on this process and that one;
You strive for more Science than Arts

So when my patient's all better
I go to the data to see:
Does the trend refer just to blind chance
Or is there authenticity?

Authentic is how I would want me;
So much in the moment, that we -
My patient and I - we're sympatico -
We did make a difference; OUI OUI!

We each have served each other,
The helper and the helped;
Some magic was done by the helper
And her humanity was further whelped

When you serve others, you're lightened;
Dross burdens can all fall away
You float, then you sting;
That venom will linger
Someone will stand taller today.

RIP to the Champ.

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