Pretty Wonderful, Communication
Friday, January 3, 2025
N'awlins rhapsody
O when the gun
Is in your face
O when the gun is in your face
Do you think, Does this guy have a good job?
Help your neighbor pull that gun from your face!
O when the school
Sounds like a war
O when the school sounds like a war
Do you wonder, Why'd this woman feel so lonely?
Help your sister walk away from the school!
O when that truck
Flies toward your group
O when that truck flies toward your group
Did that driver feel secure, loved and nurtured?
Reach out - you are best as your brother's keeper!
Monday, December 30, 2024
I am attempting in these short little publications to show how human communication, thinking and swallowing should be your everyday concern - because you need them everyday. That means, eternal vigilance? Nothing that martial, white - hot or confrontational an approach is necessary. It's more an application of wide - angle mindfulness, allowing you a feel for getting up and doing what needs to be done (obscure public radio variety show reference).
Today, let's think about our swallowing, and how the outside world might impact your access to good nutrition. We should also think about the ease with which most of us can live placid everyday lives - because of what happens behind the scenes.
I learned to appreciate this duality of existence while a hospital speech- language pathologist. Our new hospital featured a public corridor for patients and visitors, while an additional corridor was solely for staff. We were told at orientation, "It's like what they do at Disneyland".
Refer to my blog entry "Swallowing at the Crossroads", originally posted on the site "Pretty Wonderful, Communication", January 3, 2021: for more details on a wide - angle mindfulness for swallowing.
On this day in 1997, Hong Kong chose to euthanize a large percentage of the poultry in its markets, after the microorganism found in an ill child's bloodstream had signs of bird flu. It was the initial sign that avian flu, termed H5N1 flu, has "jumped" from birds to humans without an intermediate use of a pig as a host. Destroying the potential hosts of the virus was the alternative to putting diseased fowl into the food system.
If you haven't any idea about what is needed to euthanize a large number of chickens, take a look inside a confinement building for chickens: feathers, feces, urine, ammonia, dust, rotting feed, and all the additional pathogens that might breed in this dirty environment, making your future chicken tenders not so appetizing.
Having a wide-angle mindful attitude about such an operation, should bring to your lips the thought: I'm very glad I don't have to do that. And you don't. Farmers have access to support from their State Agriculture Departments, as well as Cooperative Extension offices, to control any outbreak of disease.
Normalcy bias = our tendency to underestimate the impact of a powerful event....see the December 28, 2024 piece on the subject in Forbes (Bryce Hoffman). We just want our normal life!
You've no doubt heard bird flu mentioned again and again over the past year. The state of California has even recently declared a state of emergency, to facilitate management of a potential H5N1 catastrophe. You have to do nothing. Thank you, state of California Ag workers, for keeping bird flu out of my gelato.
Through the work of these unseen people, laboring largely out of sight of your everyday best life, these ag and health workers make your mealtime experience safer and tastier. As government efficiency self-styled experts take aim at trimming institutional budgets, can we afford to make your protection against the next outbreak, invisible?
Friday, October 18, 2024
Wide World of Speech
It's time now for a broad - spectrum, quick but clear look at the world of communication sciences and disorders (CSD), in a post I wili call (obscure sports television reference) "PWC Wide World of Speech". It's both the thrill of a good therapy outcome, and the agony of forgetting to pack that new tool you were counting on for today!
Here are some recent clinical and research notes on events in the field, that many CSD professionals may have seen and noted.
COGNITION: Retired actor Bruce Willis appears "stable" to his ex - wife Demi Moore, as she commented recently about Willis' life with frontotemporal dementia for entertainment media. Moore stressed that not only does Willis enjoy moments of attention with family and friends, but he also benefits from all his supports living mindfully, or being in the moment when they're with him. Want to know more about frontotemporal dementia? See, or Rene Utianski's PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE APHASIA AND OTHER FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIAS (Plural, 2020).
FLUENCY: A July 2022 edition of the podcast "ASHA Voices" featured a discussion on how stuttering treatment might not focus upon achieving the highest level of fluency, but instead how the stuttering individual can learn to function in a chaotic world. To learn how stuttering might connect with neurodiversity, click
HEARING: Apple has received FDA approval for its software package that, when loaded onto their Air Pods Pro 2 listening devices will allow the wearer with diagnosed mild to moderate hearing loss to use them as hearing aids. It's been hinted at, that the vibrant market of "hearable" wearers might make wearing a visible device in your ears, free of stigma. If your consumer, family member, friend or neighbor has a mild degree of difficulty understanding speech, recommend they get tested and their doctor rule out a medical problem. For more information, see
LANGUAGE: What is the R.A.I.S.E. framework? An acronym for principles recommended in the evaluation of consumers with primary progressive aphasia: read it as client-clinician Relationship, Assessment choices, Including the client and care partners, providing Support, and Evolving procedures. These components should exist for any clinical assessment, right? Read about it in the paper by Jean Gallee' and colleagues, at
SPEECH: Virginia Member of Congress Jennifer Wexton is not on the ballot this November, choosing to soon spend time with her family as she lives with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, called by some clinicians a "Parkinson Plus" impairment. She is closing out her term in the House, meeting her responsibilities, through use of AI - mediated synthetic speech she composes on a handheld computer. Her resilience can be seen at:
SWALLOWING: Joanne Yee and colleagues report in the September 2024 issue of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH - LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY, on how standardizing exercise - based swallowing treatment might improve the swallowing therapist's ability to achieve the best outcomes. The paper is one of a series titled "Forum: Proposed Considerations for Fostering Rigor and Transparency in Dysphagia Research" in this journal issue. For more information, look at
VOICE: Harper Steele commiserated with another trans woman about her voice, in the recent Netflix film "Will and Harper". Harper's acquaintance commented on her own thoughts following a trial of voice therapy, by saying - but this is my voice. See the forum "exploring Culturally Responsive Voice Care", prefaced at, for more information.
OTHER: Speech - language pathology (SLP) is challenged to assume responsibilities for a level of professional practice, above that for a individually - oriented, impairment - based discipline. "Communication Public Health", by Sarah Warren and colleagues, offers a road map for how the field might grow into a population - level science. In the tutorial, SLP clinicians are given directions to add prevention modalities and to labor for increased equity for serving the entire population. Remarkable in this paper, were citations of earlier papers which advocated a similar approach for their professions: "Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Well - Being" (AJOT, 2020), and "Promoting Health and Wellness: Implications for Physical Therapy Practice" (Physical Therapy, 2015). The Warren et al. paper can be found at
Come explore the Wide World of Speech again sometime!
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Peeling Off the Caul
I'm working the weekend for the Cognitive Division. Welcome back! The Summer was certainly a welcome transition, even the broiling hot days when I felt I was being prepared for some hungry young person's $5 meal deal. I wanted that summer vibe - that attitude that says, vibrations must only be good. In my part of the world, the cicada fest made me feel like a first - time kid at Disneyland. NOY - ZEE! The politicians were almost as noisy, and more discordant, too. "Communist"? That word is tossed around as mindlessly as "invasion", "skyrocketing inflation" and "life". Oops, I almost forgot - "deplorables", "MAGA crazies" and "convicted felon". Political campaign stresses we can largely avoid, with all the experience gained from years of our being bombarded by emails, texts, posts, pop - ups, voicemails, and vexations. The progression of this year's Presidential campaign cycle shows us, so far, how much we're exhausted from stress. It's noxious, counter - intuitive to seek it out, and we want something else. My summer was very stressful as well, and it feels good now to peel off that caul of protective muck to re-enter the world. The world is stressful enough.
The world of CSD (communicative sciences and disorders)? Very stressed at ground zero. We are primed to get paid less for our services, as federal cost - containment interventions shock the market. Our employers set staffing guidelines for SLP's (speech - language pathologists), that are required to have patient contact for at least 90% of the work day. In some work settings, SLP's are given minimal budgets for professional materials, supplies and equipment to serve our consumers. In some work settings, SLP's are not offered full - time employment but paid per visit. There's still, the relatively limited field of vision that referral sources have when considering referrals to SLP. And, as one of the more fundamental treatises of this blog argues, the public's understanding of the fields of CSD approaches its understanding of U.S. geography. A little Vince Guaraldi traveling music, please (obscure classic TV reference)? Let's follow the lines on the current map of our fields to examine why work in CSD, with emphasis on SLP, can be stressful - and why most of us love it, anyway.
The headlines spur us on to advocate against a reduction in SLP reimbursement of as much 6.3% for 2025. The cuts are a point on the trend line of recent budget decisions of Congress and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and that co - occur with plans for CMS to augment the reimbursement rates of primary care physicians. We do need to advocate for how we're paid and supported in all employment settings, because our University training is expensive; we often use our salaries are often used to finance therapy materials, and our ability to serve increasing numbers of potential consumers is limited by the pragmatics of keeping the lights on. Making an adovcacy decision based solely on our fiscal needs, seems an extremely easy decision. Yet, offseting the reimbursement cuts to SLP's, at the expense of giving primmary care physicians less support - is that a wholly acceptable decision for our healthcare system? Primary care docs are trained to look at the holistic needs of their patients, including those now trendy "social determinants of health". These physicians should appreciate the help that CSD professionals, especially SLP's, can give in addressing the functional needs of the persons they serve. Though it's inevitable that the Feds will cut our reimbursement rates, CSD folks can advocate for a strategic middle ground that benefits not only oursselves, but also primary care physicians as a bedrock referral source.
SLP's who work as a 1.0 FTE (full - time equivalent) position often carry a caseload of 6 - 7 patients during the eight - hour day. Depending upon your work setting and the procedures set by your facility, scheduling and completing all your appointments, can be a high - wire act. Variables for scheduling the workday that often make you dizzy can include: how you commute to work; the demands on each patient's time by other professional or family demands; any change in medical status, real or imagined; MEETINGS?; the endurance a patient has for keeping focus on the program's goals, etc., etc. How you pace your clinical day, as last nighht's sleep may or may not have prepared you; if you got out the door at the right time; if you're flexible about getting your lunch, so you can assist a patient at mealtime; if you're physically/mentally at your best; if the outside world doesn't intrude with news of a sick kid at school, or some car hit yours in the parking lot, - they're all constant tests of your endurance and flexibility for meeting demands of your daily productivity and your professional stature. When your schedule for a certain patient is locked in by a plan of care, a missed appointment should be made up - often during that same week. We SLP's find ourselves often selling and re-selling to consumers our products when schedules get shuffled, unless the professional has the confidence to think on their feet, and lift up your therapeutic alliance - so your consumer takes the lead to insist that your work is important, and that time can be found for the make - up. In a busy facility, a busy practice and a busy team of many professionals, meeting your schedule demands is a daily adventure. Make your day a challenge to be overcome, and an adventure to be met: plan, be mindful, stay positive, you're the expert; and make your world the best it can be every day.
Think about the well - resourced SLP clinic. Have pictures of it in your mind. What is the best equipment you would put there? What supplies, what materials? What shiny new therapy products that have garnered critical praise in the literature, are on your wish list? Keep wishing. Outside of a dedicated clinic with a large consumer base, an SLP must be relentless and creative in acquiring new inventory to do the job. A cognitive test? Find something free on the Web. Tools for swallowing treatment? Borrow, steal, beg or make your own supplies. For example, when a voice patient will benefit from an Acapella respiratory trainer but the MD will not write an order, visit your nearby department store and pick up a plastic water bottle with indwelling straw. Tell the consumer when two inches of water are added to the sealed bottle: BLOW BUBBLES! for as long as you can. Increased durration of the continuous bubble blowing stream, should translate to increased strength of the expiratory muscles. Even though you may not have had to "McGyver" your therapy materials during your career, please stay abreast of the latest publications, research achievements, as well as the trends among your colleagues in using therapy tools. There may come a time when your administrator announces that your clinical budget has been cut, and your need for the newest edition of a clinical treatment package you've relied upon won't be so accessible. Know the constructs and strengths of all your tools. Your ability to construct personalized tools may not only solve the problem of a disappearing clinical budget, but may better assist your consumers feel that their "real life" goal is within reach.
My SLP job classification for my current work is neither full - time nor part - time, but "casual"; perhaps not the most frequently used job name, yet it places the SLP in the role of consultant. You're called in to serve consumers that require specialized care after an onset of neurological impairment, or impairments of the upper aerodigestive tract, that impact the individual's function for communication, cognition or swallowing. If you're part of a multidisciplinary team, you are often the last professional to receive a referral - if you receive one at all - and often, the time allotted for you to help your consumer achieve the goals identified leaves you barely the time to assess and develop a care plan. In the home health care world, SLP's are called in for a relatively small percentage of your agency's total caseload, thereby limiting the total amount of cases a professional might carry each week and the total income an SLP might earn. These clinicians often must carry more than one job to earn income equivalent to full - time enjoyment, because their lives outside work occur on a 24 - hour schedule, and their bills arrive to be paid on that same schedule.
What do SLP's actually do? That question has lingered in the air of every work setting in which I've been employed, from the beginning of my career. The answer to that question is easier than ever now: look at the "ASHA Practice Portal", ASHA, our national accrediting and professional standards organization, has numerous additional resources to help spread the word about our professional activities. Yet, how does the public know about what we do if, in many cases, the public has no knowledge that we exist? Frequent blog readers have seen my rants on how the SLP is so rarely represented in the arts (movies and television). The six - season run of an American television series THE RESIDENT, where titanic medical issues were largely solved by - surgeons, is my most recent example. The few references to any rehabilitative service in the series were made by the CEO of the fictional hospital, who also practiced orthopedic surgery, so her preferred modality was physical therapy. The most frequent response to a PT referral by a series character was "it takes so long". I'm continuing to watch a new TV series, BRILLIANT MINDS, whose main character is an eccentric neurologist modeled loosely on the career of Oliver Sacks. How long will it take to make the SLP as familiar to patrons of the arts, as detectives or lawyers or even English midwives?
Yet, we do love our jobs. You need only see the SLP's in all our work settings to note: regardless of all the economic struggles, and the often "Modern Times", M.C. Escher landscape of bureaucracies that confine your day; in spite of the shrinking pocketbooks that help you get the tools you need, and even with all the hills you still have to climb before you are seen - like John Prine and iris DeMent might sing, we're never gonna let our mission go. In this day and age, when it's so easy to just attack, attack, attack your adversaries and never admit defeat - real communication is still, pretty wonderful. Take care of you through the stress: talk to others. Eat, sleep, move well. Give up severe pressures to a power above you. Look forward to tomorrow. See that goal of yours. See yourself, achieving it. Celebrate!
Friday, May 31, 2024
If the Message Doesn't Get In, You Can't Use It
A big fat ZERO. That's the response that speech - language pathologists (SLP's) in home health gave to the 2023 ASHA Health Care survey, when they were asked, "are persons with the diagnosis of hearing loss, among the top five diagnoses on your caseload?". The assumption is that SLP's can contribute little to the management of communication problems, that a person with hearing loss faces. There's a dedicated profession for that: audiology, which began to require the doctoral degree for entry - level practitioners in 1998. Audiologists have training in and access to powerful technologies that help diagnose and (re)habilitate problems understanding oral language. SO - why are we even talking about hearing disorders and SLP, if we seldom get a referral for home health care of these persons?
First, hearing loss is often insidious, stealing away a person's independence for perceiving the world before the person understands what has happened. Hearing sensitivity can be altered by effects of lifestyle, of chronic disease, normal aging and other impairments which can leave a person robbed of the ability to recognize what is said to them.
Second, helping a person with a hearing loss to improve communication is not a simple process. If a person submits to hearing testing and has a mild to moderate problem, you may see either compliance with the recommendations, or an outright denial of any problem. If the person's hearing loss falls into the severe to profound range, following any rehabilitation plan is not only complicated by struggles with assistive technology, but also by the increased risk for cognitive impairment and for falls with worsening hearing. Only 20% of all persons who might benefit from use of technology like hearing aids actually use them. While the management of hearing impairment lies strictly outside the SLP scope of practice, the management of communication problems associated with hearing loss easily matches the skill set of the SLP.
For the present, many SLP's who want to help hearing - impaired persons will not get a referral to provide the service. Communication is not medically necessary? Regardless, if the person with hearing loss has access to a multidisciplinary team of professionals, each team member may take a role to help the individual communicate better. What follows is a modified "plan of care" for such a patient under the care of a team.
First, observe the patient's behavior in everyday settings with everyday activities. Does the patient require frequent repetitions or paraphrases of your comments or directions?
Second, help the patient obtain a hearing screening test if there hasn't been a recent test given. A screening test is designed to only answer one question: is there a problem? Two examples of hearing screenings you can do at home are: The National Hearing Test (free to AARP members annually; $12 to non-members), and the American Speech - Language - Hearing Association screener (free to all, anytime). Another form of screening obtains the patient's own perspective, on how changes in hearing status affects daily functioning. An example of this screening assessment is the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly - Screening Form . Please see your SLP to obtain a copy of the assessment.
Third, recommend that your patient see their primary physician or healthcare provider, to share the test results. There is no one solution for hearing loss that meets all persons' needs.
Fourth, utilize communication strategies that you and the hearing - impaired person agree on, in your daily interactions - examples can be found at and
Since assistive technology for persons with mild to moderate hearing loss has become widely available, the "over - the - counter hearing aids" that are sold in Walgreens and Best Buy, as well as in audiology and some ENT physician offices, the responsibility of caring for one's hearing health falls upon the individual patient. Staying aware of one's hearing status and preventing hearing loss whenever possible is part of a total health regime.
I hope you've gained some new insights during National Speech - Language - Hearing Month! Keep on communicating.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
The Speech in Speech Therapy
Starting June 14 - try to see this film. If it's true to the first film, it is so true to the established theories of brain and mind! So true to emotions, and how they confound, enhance, cloud, distill and empower your thinking! Check it out.
Hello again! It’s the fourth installment of “National Speech – Language – Hearing Month, 2024”. If you’ve missed any of the previous posts, you can look back in the blog to catch up. The topic for this post is a fundamental one to the profession: disorders of speech, voice and breathing. They put the speech in speech therapy! These are the sub-specialties of the field, where I feel justified in wearing workout clothes and the latest "kicks" to a therapy session. This is our subspecialty, where we "speechies" feel we can run with the big therapist girls and boys!
Since evaluation and treatment of speech, voice and breathing disorders involves significant physical training, let’s first thank all our colleagues in associated medical and rehabilitative fields whose work contributes to patients’ improvements and healing. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical trainers, bodyworkers, massage therapists and other professionals help the patient move more purposefully, with more strength, faster and more accurately to meet their daily needs – including communicating and swallowing. Among speech – language pathologists surveyed for the 2023 ASHA survey, 12 to 61% reported that persons with these disorders were among the top five diagnoses in their caseloads. Impairments of speech and voice are among those for which medical consultation is highly recommended, so the speech - language pathologist earns "street cred" with evidence - based, individualized services provided these patients.
What would be some desired outcomes of treating these disorders? People whose speech is not easily understood might want to be more intelligible – that is, understood by most people they meet. Persons in treatment would also want a speaking rate that allows their listeners to understand the message. In addition, speakers want their message to sound natural, or like the speech of their listeners. Measuring how close a person is to achieving their outcomes, the speech – language pathologist measures the person’s speech loudness and its quality (Rough? Breathy? Strained? Weak?). How well the person coordinates breathing with the upstream components of speech – phonation, resonance and articulation – is often critical to design a care plan in these domains.
Tools commonly used with these patients to improve their speech, voice and breathing can run the gamut, from decibel meters that can give you real time loudness measurement; to breathing trainers, varying in degree from a straw in a glass of water for bubble blowing, to Aerobika, Acapella and Aspire EMST; to tracheostomy and ventilator assistive technology, that facilitate speech and swallow for persons w/ significant medical challenges; and to vocal amplifiers for persons with chronic limits in their respiratory power. The emphasis with these patients on quantitative scaling of behavior, e.g., vocal loudness in decibels, duration in seconds of sustaining a vocal tone, or the number of coughs that are heard within one minute - they all demand a special precision and focus by both the clinician, and the person served by that clinician.
If you want to understand what speech - language pathologists are talking about in their speech/voice/cough work, you need some familiarity with the terms they use in their own communication. For example, When good vocal hygiene is in play, you'll be more easily heard today. You'll hydrate, moderate, breathe just right, so all your words are outa sight! Or, a tracheoesophageal fistula = an unnatural connection between the trachea and the esophagus, allowing trapped inhaled air to be driven into the esophagus to produce speech. "TEP", "PMV", and "GRBAS" roll off the professional's tongue, but we're actually trying to communicate when we throw around these words. Let's make sure we connect with the people through use of meaningful words.
When There Is No SLP: Offer your patient a water break periodically during your session, if the patient's diet allows that. When your patients want to talk with you, or with family or caregivers present, help them maintain the best functional position for speaking - head and trunk elevated to at least 60 degrees. Maintain good eye contact with the patient, during the entirety of that conversation. If the patient can sustain enough attention, model the pronunciation of any words they might want to use.
On this Date in History: Little Debbie Sproul of Western Springs, Illinois, saw her first brood of emergent cicadas at a tree in her neighborhood, back in the summer of 2007. The 8 - year - old sprite loved the outdoors, but did not recognize the little wriggly newcomers to her world. Crawling really close, daunting Debbie got so close to the pile that SHE INHALED A CICADA LARVA! Debbie's Mother commented to the newspapers, "She ran in crying, and when she tried to explain what happened - she just wheezed and crackled from her mouth!". Eventually, first aid was provided and Debbie got her voice back.
Who Does the Speaking in Your Neighborhood?
Friday, May 24: Billy Strings, Americana music; Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL
Friday, May 31: Tim McGraw, country music; Allstate Arena, Rosemont
Tuesday, May 28: Astrophysics Seminar - "Binary Accretion"; Paul Duffell, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
A Note: Chronic cough treatment is a thing! With patients who have frequent coughing for more than eight weeks, and who might have a rough voice from the coughing episodes, speech - language pathology treatment can sometimes reduce or eliminate the behavior. Speech - language pathologists work in coordination with medical and allied health colleagues, to solve what are often complex cases.
Something You Can Use: The Voice Handicap Index - 10 Item scale is a brief self - assessment of a patient's voice, along functional, physical and emotional dimensions. Collecting VHI - 10 data may help you determine if a patient may be motivated to have a voice evaluation. Find the VHI - 10 scale at
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Code Talkers and Code Breakers
We're about halfway through the 2024 National Speech - Language - Hearing Month, and many of us are concerned now with safety and security. Worms in our brains! Tents on our campuses! Those books in our libraries! Those scoundrels holding public offices!! Much of this tumult in our lives is the product of miscommunication. Plainly, simply, comprehensively. The Native Code Talkers made miscommunication a battle tactic during World War II, by transmitting messages in their first languages that were opaque - untranslatable - to all but the most ingenious spies and well - equipped receivers who were listening. The converse of this perspective; that is, effective communication, relies upon how you construct and transmit your messages to be easily understood by your audience.
For example, healthcare systems have been for years among the biggest targets of cyberattacks by malicious persons. The rapid digital communication systems to which we've all become accustomed, whether for obtaining laboratory results, setting appointments at your physician's clinic, or reviewing and addending your electronic medical chart - that's short-circuited by a cyberattack. When the information required to keep a large organization, such as a medical center, a community of disparate individuals or the human body itself, is prevented from flowing to the places it's needed, the function of your organization breaks down, goes kerflooey and is a shadow of what's expected. As hospitals who are almost paralyzed by the hijacking of their information systems must resort to paper and face - to - face interactions, individual and group communication must compensate so that messages get through and the organization can function.
Speech - language pathologists are agents of organization, for anyone who has a problem communicating their needs, sharing information, maintaining social closeness or following conversational etiquette. In the 2023 ASHA Healthcare Survey, 80% of speech - language pathologists doing home health care reported that persons with language and communication problems were among the top five diagnoses in their caseloads. As we have with two prior diagnostic groups, we will break down impairments of language and communication. For example, the outcomes most persons with these disorders ask for, is for an improvement of their "communicative competence" (the four parameters in bold print, at the beginning of this paragraph). A person who has control of all these parameters has stability, like the four walls and ceiling of a modern home. For persons who have impairments of oral language use and have less functional independence in their communities, one successful outcome would entail increasing that function.
What tools are often used in evaluation and treatment of language and communication impairments? From the Bell and Howell Language Master, an almost archeological relic of World War II, language and communication therapy can now be contained in a tablet computer, e.g. the iPad. A commercially - available tablet loaded with commercially - available speech output software, offers now the advantages of a dedicated, customized speech generating device that might cost 5 - 6 times as much. The dominance of the smartphone in most of our lives, gives the communicatively impaired person access to multiple apps and avenues to communicate in everyday life.
A speech - language pathologist might use terms like aphasia - the impairment of language symbol usage - or anomia, that describes problems in finding the exact word you want to say. Taking turns: still another term, to indicate that communication is a transactional experience. You do something to get something, and even though one person in the transaction may not play the communication game the sa.e way - you interact. The strength of your interaction determines if your message is hard to understand (opaque), vague (translucent), or clear (transparent).
When There Is No SLP: Let your patient's family or caregiver help "translate" messages that you cannot: "when she does THIS, she means THAT". Communicate naturally when you are providing directions. Demonstrate what you want your patient to do or say, as necessary for each situation.
On this Date in History: Dr. Eric White loved enforcing rules behind the Americans with Disabilities Act, as a physician with his local health department in the early 1990's. One of his most favorite enforcement jobs was dropping in on fast - food restaurants, and attempting to order food from the pictorial menu. However, Dr. White saw the dilemna that many nonspeaking people can face. He was a picky eater, and when - for example - he might attempt to order a "Big Mac" as a nonspeaker who wanted the sandwich, he could not get across to the staff, that he didn't want special sauce; also, he wanted not two patties but one; he also wanted NO SESAME SEEDS, DARN IT!
WHo Does the Communicating in Your Neighborhood?
* The Pritzer Architecture Prize lecture, Illinois Institute of Technology, 5/16, Chicago
* Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha conference, July 21 - 25, Oxford, MS
A Note: Supported conversation strategies allow clinicians to work with patients with communication breakdowns e.g. stroke victims, so that the patients might use all their capacity to communicate. Information on Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia can be found at the Aphasia Insititue website:
Something You Can Use: THe "Picnic" scene from the Western Aphasia Battery, or "Cookie Theft" from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, are both black - and - white illustrations, that allow you a quick method to look at the patient's verbal expression skills.
Are we clear? See you next week, for part four of the review for National Speech - Language - Hearing Month.
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